Cabin Work Week Preparation
The Cabin Work Week Preparation project coordinates a wide variety of groups that are willing to scrape, power wash, prime, paint and stain the cabins prior to the start of Cabin Work Week. Efforts are primarily focused on the current and next year group cabin site objectives. Ideally, half the cabins will be painted along with all of the cabin peaks, all cabins will be power washed, and all cabin decks will be stained.
Groups that get involved in this effort include:
Please consider joining us in the effort. Inquiries can be made to:
Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected]
- Cabin Work Day: an effort is underway to have volunteers sign up via Meet Up or Hands On RVA to come to the park one Saturday a month to work on the cabins.
- Chesterfield County: during the pandemic when everything was closed, there were some youth that needed to meet their court-assigned community service obligations. Painting these cabins provided an outdoor socially distant project that allowed them to work safely when many other opportunities weren’t available to them.
- Group Volunteers: occasionally a group will want to incorporate a community service day as part of its program. Working on the cabins has been considered by church, scout, youth groups, etc.
- National Public Lands Day: this national effort on the last Saturday of September supports numerous projects throughout the country's parks. One of the opportunities is the painting of these cabins.
- Park Hosts: Virginia has a state wide program where individuals can sign up to help a park in a variety of ways for a month in exchange for a campsite. Several of the Pocahontas park hosts work on the cabins during their assignment.
- Youth Conservation Corps (YCC): Virginia has a state wide YCC program where teenagers work at a park for three weeks in exchange for a small stipend. While they are at Pocahontas, they will likely spend a couple of days learning about and working on the cabins. Some of these youth come from “at risk” or court-assigned community service requirements.
Please consider joining us in the effort. Inquiries can be made to:
Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected]
Cabin Work Week Preparation 2022
This year’s activities will focus on getting Third Branch ready for Cabin Work Week. In addition, it will have ordered all of the Cabin Work Week 2022 lumber, roofing, screening, paint, primer, stain, fastners, etc. and stage them at the Cabin Work Week work site so that the volunteers can hit the ground running.
Cabin Work Days
February 19, March 19, April 23, May 14, May 21
Youth Conservation Corps (YCC)
Late July or Early August: 1 or 2 days
National Public Lands Day
September 24
Park Hosts
Pre-Cabin Work Week Week
October 24-28
Other interested volunteer groups will be accommodated on a mutually agreeable schedule.
Cabin Work Days
February 19, March 19, April 23, May 14, May 21
Youth Conservation Corps (YCC)
Late July or Early August: 1 or 2 days
National Public Lands Day
September 24
Park Hosts
Pre-Cabin Work Week Week
October 24-28
Other interested volunteer groups will be accommodated on a mutually agreeable schedule.