The Permanent Orienteering Course at Pocahontas State Park begins at the Visitor/Nature Center near Beaver Lake. The course is designed for beginner and intermediate skilled users and is intended for practicing orienteering skills in a woodland setting.
After studying the PSP Orienteering Map, you may decide there is a logical order to proceed through the course to all of the control points. Feel free to traverse the course in any order or in parts if that suits your experience level. The goal is to have fun and test your skills!
After studying the PSP Orienteering Map, you may decide there is a logical order to proceed through the course to all of the control points. Feel free to traverse the course in any order or in parts if that suits your experience level. The goal is to have fun and test your skills!
The start/finish point is at the service road gate at the south end of the parking lot adjacent to the Visitor/Nature Center. Copies of the map are available at the Visitor/Nature Center or print and bring your own copies. The map contains a legend describing features on the map, a distance scale and descriptions of the Control Points. The map is aligned with magnetic north, so there is no compass declination involved. The Control Points are three foot green and orange metal posts with a green aluminum control point tag.
The course was created and is maintained by the Central Virginia Orienteering Club.